It was great meeting so many new people at the TNNA show in Nashville. I also found some beautiful cross-stitch and jewelry that I just couldn't leave there! I found two lovely necklaces created by Mo Jewelry and The Goode Huswife. The pictures are of some of their wonderful jewelry creations. They both also create beautiful cross-stitch designs.

After attempting cross-stitch before this show and becoming completely frustrated, I'm determined to try it again. This time I'm going to use an 18 count so my poor eyes can see what I'm doing. I remember when I was young watching my mom struggle to thread a needle and I just couldn't imagine what it was like not to see that huge needle eye, but now I am in the same boat!
Beautiful! I know what you mean about the eyes...
See you soon,
I just finished (10 min. ago) my Long May She Wave red work..I love it!
I'm trying my hand at cross stitch again after many years away from it. I used to cross stitch like a crazy woman. Holey moley I can't see the stuff any more!!!!
That coverlet was amazing! I'm in shock!
Stay a few extra days when you come to Nashville next year girl..There is shoppin to be DONE.
Ahhh, I miss those TNNA and SEYG markets (I used to buy AND sell). Those were the days! Of course, THEN I used to stitch samplers on 36 ct. linen. Now, I too have trouble threading a needle!
Thanks for leading me down Memory Lane!
That is a lot of stitching, beautiful piece. I am stitching again too and using 18 count. I have 14, but the 18 count holes, seemed easier to see. At this point, I would prefer the 11 count, lol. Sounds like your trip was fun.
Thankyou for showing my graziano linen stitched Ackworth School
Symposium of 2006 sheet...
actually I am better known as Gigi than Jeanne-Caroline (my official name)I backstitced all the participants names amonst the different samplers as a
remembrance of the wonderful time we had at Ackworth School that year
I have a lighted magnifier that stands on the floor. I use it all the time. Why let a little thing like sight stop you!
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