If you are in need of a little art with heart (ha ha) here it its! This is a little painting I did a few years ago of a polka-dot heart and key. It's even framed! So here is the contest...... I recently helped my sister Bonnie start a blog. She was having trouble with her laptop and couldn't access any of her pictures, so being the ever so helpful sister that I am (ha ha) I added one of my own pictures. This was November the 14th. Bonnie is home now with access to a plethora of beautiful quilts, penny rugs, stitcheries, etc any of which would be a huge improvement over the photo I put on her blog. If you are the first person to guess what exact date Bonnie FINALLY changes her blog picture to anything other than my Hitchcock picture, you will win the little heart painting above!
Good luck! Check Bonnie's blog so you can see what I'm rambling about.
I bet it will be fixed tomorrow, Nov. 18th. Of course, I am never good at predicting things.
By this Friday, Nov. 20th.
I'm going with Monday, November 23rd,2009...thought I'd better put the year in there :-)
She'd better rush! I guess it's going to be next Thursday the 19th Nov.
BTW: love the heart!
Saturday - 21st.....afternoon/early evening...
Oh Kathy I just love competitions, by the way your blog reads"and she finally did it....... sort of" I think she'll put one of her photos on the 29th
Ok I'll play..I say Thursday 19th by 9 pm. I need you to crack the whip on me and get me to send in those proposals we discussed..what..3 markets ago. fear..fear..fear.
My guess is Nov 25th.
I think this Sunday, the 22 would be good....while the football game is being watched in another room. :)
That is funny. Since you mentioned it, now she will do it, but I think she will wait till my birthday on the 21st at 9pm.
Now I understand the Hitchcock reference from all the birds! How about Friday, November 27th - after Thanksgiving as she'll have lots to post about!
Laura T
Oh Kathy. . . you know I'll do anything for one of your paintings(!). . . Um. . . I'm gonna guess it will be after Thanksgiving. . . so I'm guessing Saturday, Nov. 28.
(Hee-hee . . how fun!).
Now Bonnie. . . go enjoy yourself for Thanksgiving! ;o)
xo, Bren
I'm going to guess NOv 24th. Would love to win your painting.
I think Bonnie will change her blog on Friday, November 27. She'll have Thanksgiving over with and will begin getting ready for Christmas. A perfect time to get thing "in order" ~ the calm between holidays to catch up on things yet to be done.
Saturday November 21st. Thanks for the contest! Lizzie
Nov. 25!
How about Nov 26th? Thanks for the brilliant blog. Penelope
I am guessing November 30th...getting it set up for Christmas...excited to have a new blogger!
Sunday 11/22, as by then she'll have been a blogger for one entire week!
I'm going with the 24th, just since no one else has chosen that yet!
I'll guess the 24th. Fun contest!
Sat. the 28 or Sun. 29 after "Turkey Time" when Kathy will remind her that her picture is still up.
How about December 1st. Can't wait to read her blog!
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